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How to choose your thai boxing glove? (6oz-16oz)

How to choose the thai boxing glove? (6oz-16oz)

How to choose the thai boxing glove? (6oz-16oz)

1) Synthetic or genuine leather?

From my experience, the genuine leather is more breathable and durable compared with the synthetic glove, so choose the genuine leather if you are not really in a limited budget.

2) What size (oz) should I choose?

It's base on your training propose, you can considerate as following points below.

For sparring purpose

-Choose the heavier glove (14oz or above), its protect your sparing buddy. sure you should ask your trainer about what size of glove to use in the gym for sparing.

For bag work and pad work

Professional fighter will separate 2 gloves...

How to choose a Thai boxing gym for training.

How to choose a Thai boxing gym for training.


1) Location & schedule 

Muay Thai / Boxing is about accumulated the skill and experience, it never happen to you that you will get good skills after few months training. Training regularly and consistently is the key to become a good boxer, so choosing the gym that you can easily go for training often is important, do not choose the gym that makes you feel lazy to hit because you will skip your lesson frequency.


2) Timetable 

Choose the gym that suits your availability, most gyms in Hong Kong  offer...